Content Creation & Brand Development

Kernbusiness seit 2001 - Erfolgsfaktor Mensch.

Logistics Services
Store big - deliver big

Wir kümmern uns darum, dass deine Waren sicher gelagert werden und termingerecht am Zielort ankommen. Ob Event, Promotion oder Webshop-Fulfillment, wir packen an. Mit unserem Team von Spezialisten, mehr als 5000 m2 Lagerfläche, dem umfassenden Logistik-Fuhrpark und unserer Lagersoftware AYYAH.


Full service for event & promotion staging


5000m2 storage space & access thanks to online tool


Shipping logistics for online shops and start-ups

Event Logistics & Promotion Logistics

Where do you want to celebrate? Who do you want to inspire with a promo idea? Whether it's a small scale or a huge event. Whether it's an event, trade fair, exhibition, POS promotion or product launch - we organise the entire logistics from the warehouse to the transport destination and back.
We are also happy to take care of other tasks such as commissioning, distribution and route planning as well as assembly and dismantling. And so that you always know the status of things live, our online tool immediately shows you the current stock level, the availability and the condition of your goods.

Warehouse management

What we store is in the best hands. And we mean it: we store close to you and specifically tailored to your needs. Whether it's large-scale event material, trade fair stands or consumables.
We put together stocks, rollouts and in-out orders exactly according to your specifications. And we run large consignments through our order picking line.
Once back from the field, our warehouse managers clean and check the material used. Everything stays in tip-top condition, because small repairs such as paint damage or carpentry and metalwork are carried out directly and expertly by our workshop.


Fulfilment, shipping logistics and online shops for SMEs or start-ups

We've put a lot of work into it so you can save yours: With our highly customisable full-film solution, you'll be up and running in just ten days and make the logistics for your online shop scalable. So you have more time for your customers while we take care of the rest. With standardised processes, predefined interfaces and a minimal setup that is easy to understand and pleasantly clear.

Our experts

Timur Viskhapov
Timur Viskhapov

Managing Partner Logistics

Ralph Imper
Ralph Imper

Head of Logistics Operations

Dominique Keller
Dominique Keller

Logistics Development Director & Senior Project Manager

Dominique Keller will be happy to advise you.
Logistics Development Director & Senior Project Manager

More information about our logistics and services can also be found here:
PT Logistics